AI Agent,人工智能,AIGC,解码Web3 AI:下一代技术堆栈 金色财经,Web2 AI和Web3 AI技术堆栈及赛道项目
就在大家争论以太坊“DA正统性”时 @VitalikButerin他们都在讨论放弃layer2的定义了。
The main event in the world of cryptocurrencies, mining, and web3 - Blockchain Life 2024 will take place in Dubai on October 22-23. It is expected that more than 8000 people from 140 countries will attend the forum - founders of the largest companies, industry leaders, and hundreds of young projects. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear the opinions of leading experts on current market trends and ways of earning, as well as take part in discussions, exchange experiences, and find new opp
With rapid advancement in the world of AI and blockchain, there are opportunities to leverage blockchain’s security and transparency features to enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of AI systems and data transactions. Taking place on 31 October 2024 at 10:00am GMT, the new virtual Blockchain & AI Expo will explore the convergence of these advancing technologies and how blockchain and AI can synergistically drive innovation, optimise operations, and foster strategic growth opportunities
The 15th Blockchain Life Forum is the highly anticipated crypto event of 2025, drawing over 12,000 attendees, including leading figures in web3, cryptocurrencies, and mining. This premier gathering will feature founders and top executives from the industry's most prestigious companies, who will share crucial strategies for capitalizing on the upcoming Bull Run. Moreov ха Джer, attendees will enjoy exclusive access to behind-the-scenes negotiations and gain valuable insights from private discuss